Focus on Funds: What is a multi asset fund?
DIY Investor
15 March 2019
Mutual funds, or traditional funds, unit trusts and OEICs as they are also known, are ready-made baskets of investments that are either managed by an expert fund manager or automatically track the performance of a specific market or index.
These are single mutual funds where you allow a single manager to decide what mix of assets and countries/regions are best suited for the objective of the mutual fund.
A world of opportunity
Mutual funds are a simple way to invest in leading companies around the globe with expert help.
The benefits of investing in a mutual fund are:
- Typically less risky than buying one or two shares as any change to one share can be offset by the performance of the others within a mutual fund by giving you access to a broad pool of investments
- You’ll be letting the expert manage the investments for you
- Access investments from around the globe that specialise in a country, a region or an emerging market
- Mutual funds can also specialise in different types of asset classes such as equities, fixed income, property or specialist areas such as precious metals or infrastructure
- Choose a mutual fund focused on either income or growth depending on your investing goal
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